Child Blessings
Child Blessing
Traditionally churches and other religious bodies have provided services to mark significant occasions in our lives. But these days many people who have no religious affiliations either accept formalities which are meaningless to them or forgo such ceremonial celebrations altogether. This need not happen. Unitarian Celebrants try to meet to meet the individual needs of people whether or not they belong to Unitarian congregations. As such, Unitarian Celebrants are more willing to adapt ceremonies to meet particular needs by incorporating words and music important to you, or helping you to create, and sometimes even conduct, your own form of ceremony or celebration.
A ceremony to celebrate the birth or adoption of a child may be called a Welcoming, a Naming, a Dedication, a Blessing, a Thanksgiving, or a more traditional Baptism or Christening. Accordingly the form and content will differ. Water may or may not be used. The ceremony may take place in a Unitarian place of worship or the home or some other location, if this is more appropriate to those involved.
If you think that a Unitarian ceremony may best serve you on one of these highly important occasions, please get in touch with Julian, our Minister by phone 07956 381995.